Monday, September 17, 2001

my apologies for that...i should disconnect the "blog this" right-clicker when reading through the news...back to our regularly scheduled exploration::
one tumb up for Mr. Ebert on his sentiment for not building another memorial in his article "make it green" - however, one thumb down for making it another park which is just liking making it a memorail. if you don't name it, people will forget why there's a park on prime real estate (even Central Park has a name, and an organization of defenders) and build anyway. I'm with the developer who's got the lease on wtc: build it again (altho not so tall this time, and maybe a little shorter than all the other buildings around it, so it's not as easy to hit...). it was, after all, 10% of the business office space in manhattan.

Sunday, September 16, 2001

more news!!! nightline is on [can you tell that i didn't pay my cable news channels...]
i tweaked the site today.
its working well, now, and i've even recruited carl to post using it.

tv is back to normal. i'm going through news withdrawl...